afin que la vie ne dévore pas votre rêve.
Saint Exupéry
Ela era branca branca branca
Dessa brancura que não se usa mais
Mas tinha a alma furta-cor (Quintana)
estou cansado, é claro,
porque, a certa altura, a gente tem que estar cansado.
de que estou cansado, não sei:
de nada me serviria sabê-lo,
pois o cansaço fica na mesma.
a ferida dói como dói
e não em função da causa que a produziu.
sim, estou cansado,
e um pouco sorridente
de o cansaço ser só isto —
uma vontade de sono no corpo,
um desejo de não pensar na alma,
e por cima de tudo uma transparência lúcida
do entendimento retrospectivo...
e a luxúria única de não ter já esperanças?
sou inteligente; eis tudo.
tenho visto muito e entendido muito o que tenho visto,
e há um certo prazer até no cansaço que isto nos dá,
que afinal a cabeça sempre serve para qualquer coisa.
Álvaro de Campos (Poemas, 1923)
with one light on in one room, I know you're up when I get home
with one small step up on the stair, I know your look when I get there
if you were a king up there on your throne,
would you be wise enough to let me go?
for this queen you think you own
wants to be a hunter again, wants to see the world alone again
to take a chance on life again -- so let me go
the unread book and painful look, the tv's on, the sound is down
one long pause, then you begin, oh look what the cat's broughtin
if you were a king up there on your throne,
would you be wise enough to let me go?
for this queen you think you own
wants to be a hunter again, wants to see the world alone again
to take a chance on life again, so let me go, let me leave
for the crown you've placed up on my head feels too heavy now
and I don't know what to say to you but I'll smile anyhow
and all the time I'm thinking, thinking
I want to be a hunter again, want to see the world alone again
to take a chance on life again, so let me go
I want to be a hunter again, want to see the world alone again
to take a chance on life again, so let me go, let me live, let me go
you're beautiful, that's for sure
you'll never ever fade
you're lovely but it's not for sure
that I won't ever change
and though my love is rare
though my love is true
I’m like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is,
I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I’m like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is,
I don't know where my home is
all I need for you to know is
your faith in me brings me to tears
even after all these years
and it pains me so much to tell
that you don't know me that well
and though my love is rare
though my love is true
I’m like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is,
I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I’m like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is,
I don't know where my home is
all I need for you to know is
it's not that I wanna say goodbye
it's just that every time you try
to tell me that you love me
each and every single day I know
I'm going to have to eventually give you away
and though my love is rare
and though my love is true
hey I'm just scared
that we may fall through